Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me Monday

So here is my 1st "Not Me Monday"

Last Tuesday I did not miss MOPS because I was sick. Nope - NOT ME - I hate missing MOPS! Thinking it wasn't a big deal I reluctantly went to the Doctor and was in SHOCK when she said I had strep throat. Her exact words "umm that doesn't look good"

Last week my son did not scream and yell NO at the babysitter. Not my kid - I raise wonderful, well-mannered children!

I did not have a complete and utter meltdown which resulted in massive tears when I started thinking about my baby girl and the fact she is about to turn 1 year old. Nope - NOT ME - I'm fine with the fact she is growing up way too fast.

I did not wait until December 5th to put up my tree. I always put it up the day after Thanksgiving. So why would it have gone up so late? No clue!

I did not miss church yet again on Sunday morning. That must have been me you saw at church, right? I wasn't laying in bed sleeping because my back hurt. Nope - NOT ME - I never miss church.

And lastly - I am not writing this while my baby girl cries herself to sleep. NOT ME - I never let my kids cry. Remember - I'm a perfect mom!


CulyQFun said...

LOVE IT!!!! Great job. You have some good ones....Ummmm then you saw us on Sunday too, right??? We didn't miss a 2nd Sunday in a row, right?

Flabbernoogles said...

There must have been something going around...we missed church last Sunday too. We had the stayeduptoolatecuzwewereatachristmasparty bug. They really get ya!

LeAnne said...

I loved that "word" Alana! It took me 3 times to read it! :)